Practice Resources
NP-PRO is an on-demand, point-of-care resource for patient care. It provides "one-stop shopping" for an array of resources: patient education materials, disease state resources, pharmaceutical product information/coupons/samples/vouchers, patient assistance programs, an interface with a Billing and Coding resource, and the largest database of U.S. clinical trials. Recently launched in 2012 is an e-prescribing platform - available to all prescribers. This site is non-commercial and is provided as a support service for clinicians.
The NPHF provides materials (articles, pamphlets, and handouts) to support nurses/nurse practitioners in providing patient education. All materials are provided in easy-to-understand formats. Some materials are available in both English and Spanish, and some have a very low literacy option available.
This links to a list of the state, regional, and national nurse practitioner (NP) organizations. It also links to a list of selected nursing organizations, federal agencies, patient advocacy organizations, and healthcare organizations.
A listing of selected books, reports, and key NP journals of relevance to the NP profession and to practice.
An annotated bibliography of key articles/reports/books relevant to understanding the contribution of the NP profession in healthcare.